Convert Kelvin to Celsius

Effortlessly convert Kelvin to Celsius temperatures using our user-friendly online tool. It’s free, precise, and blazingly fast.

Kelvin to Celsius Converter

Kelvin to °C Converter

This Kelvin to Celsius converter is a handy online tool designed to assist you in converting temperatures from Kelvin to Celsius with ease. It’s remarkably straightforward to use, 100% accurate, and completely free. No registration is needed. Just enter the Kelvin value you wish to convert, click the convert button, and you’ll instantly get the corresponding Celsius value.

How to convert Kelvin to Celsius

To convert from Kelvin to Celsius, subtract 273.15 from the Kelvin value. The formula is as follows:

Celsius = Kelvin – 273.15

If you prefer not to perform manual calculations, simply use our free online Kelvin to Celsius converter for hassle-free and accurate conversions.

Example problems on how to convert Kelvin to Celsius

Example 1:

Convert 300 Kelvin to Celsius

Given: 300 Kelvin


Celsius = 300 – 273.15

Celsius = 26.85

Hence, 300 Kelvin is equal to 26.85 Celsius.

Example 2:

Convert 273.15 Kelvin to Celsius

Given: 273.15 Kelvin


Celsius = 273.15 – 273.15

Celsius = 0

Hence, 273.15 Kelvin is equal to 0 Celsius.

K to °C Table

Kelvin to CelsiusKelvin to Celsius
273 Kelvin to Celsius = -0.15°C300 Kelvin to Celsius = 26.85°C
200 Kelvin to Celsius = -73.15°C50 Kelvin to Celsius = -223.15°C
250 Kelvin to Celsius = -23.15°C298 Kelvin to Celsius = 24.85°C
150 Kelvin to Celsius = -123.15°C3500 Kelvin to Celsius = 3226.85°C
373 Kelvin to Celsius = 99.85°C77 Kelvin to Celsius = -196.15°C
25 Kelvin to Celsius = -248.15°C350 Kelvin to Celsius = 76.85°C
400 Kelvin to Celsius = 126.85°C

Kelvin to Celsius Conversion Table

Kelvin to CelsiusKelvin to CelsiusKelvin to Celsius
175 Kelvin to Celsius = -98.15 °C298 Kelvin to Celsius = 24.85 °C220 Kelvin to Celsius = -53.15 °C
250 Kelvin to Celsius = -23.15 °C255 Kelvin to Celsius = -18.15 °C77 Kelvin to Celsius = -196.15 °C
1 Kelvin to Celsius = -272.15 °C10 Kelvin to Celsius = -263.15 °C273 Kelvin to Celsius = -0.15 °C
1000 Kelvin to Celsius = 726.85 °C100 Kelvin to Celsius = -173.15 °C110 Kelvin to Celsius = -163.15 °C
273.15 Kelvin to Celsius = 0 °C150 Kelvin to Celsius = -123.15 °C300 Kelvin to Celsius = 26.85 °C
272 Kelvin to Celsius = -1.15 °C200 Kelvin to Celsius = -73.15 °C280 Kelvin to Celsius = 6.85 °C
3500 Kelvin to Celsius = 3226.85 °C288 Kelvin to Celsius = 15.85 °C373 Kelvin to Celsius = 99.85 °C
50 Kelvin to Celsius = -223.15 °C308 Kelvin to Celsius = 34.85 °C5778 Kelvin to Celsius = 5504.85 °C
313 Kelvin to Celsius = 39.85 °C293 Kelvin to Celsius = 19.85 °C315 Kelvin to Celsius = 41.85 °C
310 Kelvin to Celsius = 36.85 °C345 Kelvin to Celsius = 71.85 °C500 Kelvin to Celsius = 226.85 °C
290 Kelvin to Celsius = 17.85 °C7 Kelvin to Celsius = -266.15 °C294 Kelvin to Celsius = 20.85 °C
25 Kelvin to Celsius = -248.15 °C295 Kelvin to Celsius = 21.85 °C350 Kelvin to Celsius = 76.85 °C
299 Kelvin to Celsius = 25.85 °C4 Kelvin to Celsius = -269.15 °C305 Kelvin to Celsius = 31.85 °C

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